SWCD Representatives visit Albany
Board representatives and staff visited Albany this week. Meetings were held with nine members of the legislature to educate them about SWCD programs and discuss issues impacting conservation activities. Pictured below are Tracey Evanick, board member, Kim Cameron,...

CNY Grazing Conference
CORTLAND - Are you interested in learning more about adaptive grazing management, innovative farming techniques and what practices other successful grazers are implementing on their farms? Please join us to hear keynote speaker, Russ Wilson and other local grazers on...

Dwyer Park Forest Management Plan Progresses
The Community Forest Management Plan is being drafted with input from stakeholders. A public meeting is being planned for late March to present the draft plan and solicit feedback from the community. Follow these links to the Inventory and updated iTree analysis. The...

Dwyer Park Forest Inventory Complete
SWCD convened a meeting with key stakeholders to review the findings of the forest inventory at Dwyer Park and begin getting feedback for the forest management plan. The Dwyer Park forest consists of over 33 species of trees, and nearly 3500 trees of qualifying size...
Invasive Species Awareness Week is June 6-12
New York State's ninth annual Invasive Species Awareness Week (NYISAW) will be celebrated June 6-12. NYISAW is an educational campaign featuring statewide events that encourage New Yorkers to learn about invasive species and help protect the state's resources from the...

Water Festival June 4, 2022
The Water Festival is back and better than ever! Visit the Cortland Water Works on Saturday, June 4th with your family to learn about our water resources. Participate in water trivia contests and the local water taste test. Play in the sand box, make bubbles, have...

It’s Time to Get Growing!
It's gardening season! Time to start seeds indoors so they will be ready to transplant outside. If you are lucky enough to have the right facilities, maybe you can even start planting outside. If you are beginning gardening, or maybe you are looking to try something...

Now Hiring!
SWCD has multiple immediate position openings for work under various grants and contracts. Internships and temporary Civil Service positions are available now. Please review the announcement and apply as soon as possible. We are seeking enthusiastic,...

Forested Pollinator Habitats
Are you interested in planting trees on your property? Do you want to enhance habitat for pollinators and other beneficial insects, and help fight climate change? Cortland County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) is looking for interested landowners who...

Agricultural Grant Funding Available For Cortland County Farms
If you are a landowner looking for technical and/or financial assistance to help you implement conservation or water quality best management practices on your land, the deadline to contact Cortland County SWCD for current funding programs is February 25th. Call...