Between June 30 and July 9, 2023, many agencies, lake associations and environmental groups across the Great Lakes will be holding Aquatic Invasive Species Landing Blitz events. This bi-national multi-state effort will educate boaters and anglers to clean, drain, and dry their boats and gear, and properly dispose of unwanted bait. The goal is to raise public awareness and promote actions to prevent the spread of harmful aquatic invasive species (AIS). The Cortland County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) received a grant from the Great Lakes Commission to hold a Blitz event in Cortland County, focused on the Skaneateles and Cayuga Lake watersheds. SWCD AIS boat stewards will be at Skaneateles Lake boat ramps, Grout Brook and Fall Creek access points, as well as boat ramps and angler access points on Little York Lake, Tully Lake and the Tioughnioga River. Information brochure boxes will be placed at additional angler access points in Cortland County. Please call Cortland County SWCD at 607-756-5991 if you would like more information about the Cortland County AIS Landing Blitz.
Great Lakes Aquatic Invasive Species Landing Blitz