Russ Wilson, a well know grazier, consultant and YouTube personality operates Wilson Land & Cattle Company in Tionesta, PA. His 220-acre family farm practices multispecies, adaptive grazing management optimizing the co-benefits of grazing cattle, sheep, goats, equine, hogs, and poultry. The farm’s low-input style of management incorporates both cool and warm season grasses and cover-crops, providing an extended grazing season while keeping soil covered year-round. Russ will share his experiences with beginning grazing management and how livestock diversification can benefit the farm and grow profitability.
Afternoon speakers will cover topics on reclaiming and improving existing pasture and a farmer panel will discuss direct marketing successes and failures. Vendors will be on site as well. Lunch and break snacks will be provided.
Please pre-register by March 15, 2023, at: Early registration conference fee is $25.00, day of event is $30.00. This workshop is sponsored by Cornell University SCNY Regional Team, Cortland County SWCD, PASA and NEDBIC. Agribusiness stakeholders are being sought as vendors. Please contact Fay Benson, Cornell University SCNY Regional Team at 607-391-2669 for vendor information.